California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 Mar. 14, 2014  Mar. 14, 2014

Lot# 5216 - 5227 

李天雷先生祖籍江蘇,早年在西南聯大任教。1952年經香港 來美定居,先後在耶魯大學、哈佛大學任教,1968年退休,1974年病 逝於美國俄亥俄州。 李先生生前除教學外,業餘愛好以收藏紫砂為主。他的名言: 泥土生人味,巧工天收藏,至今在收藏界津津樂道,傳為佳話。

Brief Introduction of Famous Educator and Zisha Collector - Mr. Li Tianlei

Li Tianlei was born in Jiangsu. He was a teacher at United University of the Southwest in his early years. In 1952, he immigrated to the US via Hongkong and taught in Yale University and Harvard University. He retired in 1968 and passed away in 1974 in Ohio of the U.S. During Li Tianlei’s lifetime, his hobby was mainly collecting Zisha in addition to his teaching job. He has also researched and collected Buddha figures, jade, paintings, and porcelain. Up to today, his famous saying “Clay gives the flavor of people; heaven collects the best of workings”has been a much-told tale among collectors.